Brianna Helps Provide 100 Gallons Of Milk For Her Community


In Vermont, New England Dairy and dairy farmers from the Green Mountain State are proud to highlight the work of Spaulding High School student Brianna P. Brianna has been a long-time advocate for and driving force behind Fuel Up – the largest in-school wellness program in the country.  She helped to start the program at Barre City Elementary and Middle School while a student there and is working to do the same at Spaulding High School. 

Last year, Brianna, assisted with a local milk donation event providing 100 gallons of milk for her community. This year she frequently volunteers at a local food shelf. In Vermont, nearly 70 thousand people are facing hunger according to Feeding America.  That’s one in nine adults and one in seven kids that are unsure of where their next meal will come from. 

For generations local dairy farm families have been serving their communities, enhancing our lands, and producing nutrition foods to feed our growing world.  The support local dairy farmers and producers provide has certainly been enhanced over the past year and a half as folks have looked to reengage with local food and create connection to local and accessible options to feed their families during these trying times. 

Being so intertwined with the hearts and souls of their communities, local dairy farmers understand the need to celebrate and encourage young leaders, like Brianna to be engines of change.